All Treat Farms Compost Plus™ Soil Conditioner is a premium blend of CQA-certified compost, coco fibre and bark fines. This blend is ideal for use in winterizing roses, ornamental plants and bulbs. It is also ideal for transplanting trees & shrubs and planting perennial, annual & vegetable gardens. The natural ingredients of Compost Plus™ also make it perfect for top dressing lawns.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: To winterize roses, ornamental plants and bulbs: Mound Compost Plus™ around the base of the plant or spread over bulb beds.
For annual, perennial & vegetable gardens: Mix 1 part of Compost Plus™ to 4 parts of existing soil.
Transplanting: When transplanting trees and shrubs, mix 1 part of Compost Plus™ to 4 parts existing soil at the bottom of the hole before setting in tree or shrub. Use the same mixture to fill around the roots.
Top dressing lawns: After aerating the lawn, spread 1.25 cm (0.5 in) of Compost Plus™ evenly over the lawn and water in thoroughly.